If you would like to be in our directory of subs please fill out the form below. We will make your information available to our Estimating Department.

The method of City Construction NY uses with our subcontractors and suppliers is to treat them as partners in winning and carrying out the works. City Construction NY believes it is in the best interest of all concerned to treat all the subcontractors in a fair and dignified manner on the basis of which its quality performance can only be achieved if they are treated in this way. It is the policy of City Construction NY to pay subcontractors as follows.
 Agreement regulate agreed with the parties concerned and it is not in our interest to compromise this provision since it would be damaging to the relations of labor and the future development of both City Construction NY and our subcontractors. We strive to involve our subcontractors with a spirit of close cooperation and trust and help and cooperate in the establishment of a mutual sense of fair play and. Confrontation reasonableness and a focus of confrontation to the resolution of the issues is not part of our culture .


                                "We cherish the relationship of our subcontractors and suppliers "

City Construction NY

(212) 390-1757